VPP: Potential Game Changer for GSA Resellers & Manufacturers

Discover how the Verified Products Portal (VPP) revolutionizes the GSA Schedule process, simplifying selling for manufacturers and resellers while enhancing buyer security.

VPP: Potential Game Changer for GSA Resellers & Manufacturers

The Verified Products Portal (VPP) is a significant initiative by the General Services Administration (GSA) designed to streamline the process for selling products through the GSA Schedule Contract. Here, we provide an overview of what VPP is and its implications for both manufacturers and resellers.

Key Aspects of VPP

Several notable elements differentiate VPP from traditional methods for selling products through the GSA Schedule:

  • Alternative to Letter of Supply: Traditionally, resellers needed a Letter of Supply to sell products manufactured by another company on the GSA Schedule. VPP offers an alternative to this requirement.
  • Direct Data Provision: It allows original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) and wholesalers to directly provide GSA with product information and authorized reseller details.
  • Verification of Authorization: GSA uses the data from VPP to verify authorized resellers and enhance GSA Advantage listing information.

New Features and Functionality

VPP introduces several new features and functionalities designed to improve the selling and buying experiences:

  • Enhanced Searchability: Improved product listings on GSA Advantage, including additional information and images provided by manufacturers.
  • Stock Disruption Indicators: Manufacturers and wholesalers can flag products as Limited Stock, Out of Stock, End of Life, or Discontinued.

VPP Dashboard

The VPP dashboard is publicly available and shows participating manufacturers and the number of authorized suppliers. However, it does not disclose which suppliers are authorized.

Impact of VPP

This new portal has several implications for different stakeholders:

  1. On Manufacturers: Enables control over authorized resellers and standardizes catalog data.
  2. On Government Buyers: Addresses fulfillment issues, improves product descriptions, and reduces the risk of counterfeit products.
  3. On GSA Resellers: Removes the Letter of Supply requirement for participating manufacturers but presents challenges for established agreements. It's essential for resellers to regularly check the VPP dashboard.

Unauthorized Supplier Robomods

A new protocol, titled "Unauthorized Supplier Robomods," flags unauthorized products on GSA Advantage. Resellers receive notifications and have 30 days to dispute flagged products. Unresolved disputes lead to product removal.

Participation in VPP

Manufacturers and wholesalers interested in joining can do so by emailing VPP@gsa.gov. They should provide supplier authorizations, product details, and optional pricing information.

Future Developments

GSA plans to connect VPP with the upcoming Common Catalog Platform (CCP) for a more seamless experience. CCP will enable contractors to import products from VPP and receive notifications about changes.


The Verified Products Portal represents a significant step towards modernizing the GSA Schedule process. It offers benefits to manufacturers, resellers, and government buyers. However, it requires adaptation and vigilance from resellers to stay compliant and maximize its potential. Manufacturers and wholesalers interested in controlling their product distribution in the GSA marketplace should consider participating in VPP. As a team led by a former GSA Schedule Reviewer, we offer the best GSA Schedule Consulting services.

Pedro has extensive background as a Contracting Officer and Contract Specialist, has worked across seven federal agencies, managing contracts totaling over $1 billion in the professional and tech sectors. His notable tenure includes serving with the DoD/DARPA during the inception of their robotics program. Additionally, he played a pivotal role in initiating the Cyber Special Item Number (SIN) within the GSA's IT Schedule 70 as a Team Lead. After graduating from Harvard, he started Blackfyre to help you win your next contract.

Learn more about our services:

GSA Schedule

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