The Latest on GSA Transactional Data Reporting TDR Pilot

Stay updated with Blackfyre's latest insights on the GSA Transactional Data Reporting pilot and its implications for GSA Schedule contractors.

The Latest on GSA Transactional Data Reporting TDR Pilot

As a leading GSA Federal Schedule Consulting firm, Blackfyre shines light on the recent developments on the Transactional Data Reporting (TDR) pilot. This pertains to both current and prospective GSA Schedule contractors. Below is a deep-dive into the unfolding scenario:

Extension of TDR Pilot:

The GSA has rolled out information about the extension of the TDR pilot program, valid through the fiscal year 2020. Besides granting the GSA leeway to concentrate on the Multiple Award Schedule (MAS) Consolidation, this prolongation enables additional data collection on TDR under the novel, unified GSA Schedule. Consequently, the final decision concerning TDR's future is deferred until the comprehensive data is within reach.

Transactional Data Reporting - What it entails?

TDR is a program built to collect comprehensive transactional data on GSA Schedule sales such as quantity, unit measure, part number, product description, and price. This data needs to be reported each month by the TDR-participating companies, rather than following the traditional quarterly sales reporting scheme.

The Benefits of TDR Participation

Signing up for TDR liberates contractors from the obligations of tracking and reporting according to Price Reduction Clause (PRC) and Commercial Sales Practices (CSP). This exchange targets the minimization of administrative duties for contractors while feeding GSA with granular data that buttress improved purchasing decisions and category management.

TDR and MAS Consolidation at a Glance

As the MAS Consolidation looms ahead, the GSA has proactively affirmed that TDR will persist as an option for SINs that align with those involved in the pilot program. Should you seek to or modify your contract to incorporate a TDR-eligible SIN, TDR becomes applicable to your entire contract. Companies operating with several GSA Schedules where one remains subject to TDR and others don't, could soon find the chance to mesh these contracts into a solitary TDR contract.

Anticipation Towards the Future of TDR

  1. For Current TDR Participants: Continue with monthly reporting and stay tuned for any modifications or updates in the program.

  2. For Prospective TDR Participants: Weigh the merits against the obligations of TDR participation, particularly if you are targeting SINs within the pilot.

  3. For All Contractors: Keep abreast with GSA's announcements concerning TDR's fate as the pilot period draws to a close.

The Role of Blackfyre

As your reliable GSA schedule consultant, Blackfyre dedicates its efforts to guiding you through the intricacies of TDR and the MAS Consolidation. Our range of services includes:

  • Strategic Planning: Assisting you in understanding TDR's implications and how it might impinge on your GSA Schedule strategy.

  • TDR Participation Guidance: Helping you make a decision about TDR participation, with subsequent management of the reporting stipulations should you choose to join.

  • MAS Consolidation Support: Offering guidance on how the impending MAS Consolidation might affect your TDR responsibilities and overarching contract management.


The continuation of the TDR pilot through the fiscal year 2020 is a major breakthrough for GSA Schedule contractors. With GSA in the process of evaluating TDR's effectiveness and impact, it becomes paramount for contractors to thoroughly grasp the program and assimilate it into their government sales approach. Blackfyre pledges unwavering commitment in offering the expertise and support necessary to sail through the TDR pilot and the more extensive changes in the GSA Schedules Program.

In summation, as GSA contracting keeps evolving with initiatives like TDR and the MAS Consolidation, Blackfyre remains steadfast in navigating you through these modifications and safeguarding your sustained success in the federal marketplace. Contact us to dig deeper about how we can assist you with TDR and optimizing your GSA Schedule strategy. With leadership derived from a former GSA Schedule Reviewer, we furnish the finest GSA Schedule Consulting services.

Pedro has extensive background as a Contracting Officer and Contract Specialist, has worked across seven federal agencies, managing contracts totaling over $1 billion in the professional and tech sectors. His notable tenure includes serving with the DoD/DARPA during the inception of their robotics program. Additionally, he played a pivotal role in initiating the Cyber Special Item Number (SIN) within the GSA's IT Schedule 70 as a Team Lead. After graduating from Harvard, he started Blackfyre to help you win your next contract.

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