GSA Personnel Changes

Stay updated with Blackfyre's summary on the recent GSA personnel changes and how these transitions can influence your federal procurement and technology strategies.

GSA Personnel Changes

As an expert in GSA Federal Schedule Consulting, Blackfyre closely monitors the recent personnel changes at the General Services Administration (GSA). Being your reliable GSA schedule consultants and MAS consulting experts, we comprehend how leadership changes influence policy and operations. Here's a summary of the recent moves, transitions, and retirements within GSA:

Shifts in GSA Leadership

1. David Vargas: Formerly a director at OPM, David Vargas has moved to GSA’s Service Management Office in response to the GSA-OPM merger announcement. This move mirrors the broader realignment of services and functions between the two agencies. 2. Beth Angerman: With an impressive 6 months of acting head under her belt, Beth Angerman is now the permanent principal deputy associate administrator at the Office of Government-wide Policy. Her integral role will shape the policies that govern federal acquisitions and technology.

Departures and New Appointments

1.Joanne Collins-Smee: Joanne Collins-Smee will be leaving her position at the end of August. As a key leader in the Centers of Excellence effort, Collins-Smee has been honored with a 2018 Federal 100 award. Her departure brings her significant tenure at FAS to a close. 2.Kelly Olson: Kelly Olson, armed with rich experience from Technology Transformation Service, is expected to fill the void left by Collins-Smee. She will take over as the acting director and deputy commissioner of FAS. 3.Kay Ely: Kay Ely, the assistant commissioner of the Office of Information Technology Category (ITC) within FAS, is set to join a task force assisting with the GSA-OPM merger ahead of her retirement at the end of the year. Her departure will mark the end of her influential role in shaping GSA's technology procurement strategy.

New Roles in Office of Products and Programs

1.Matt Goodrich: Formerly the director of the Federal Risk and Authorization Management Program (FedRAMP), Matt Goodrich has moved to a new role. He now serves as the acting assistant commissioner of the Office of Products and Programs. His expertise in cloud security and federal IT will likely continue to influence GSA's technology offerings. 2.Ashley Mahan: Previously the Chief Evangelist for FedRAMP, Ashley Mahan has transitioned to serve as the acting director of TTS’s Secure Cloud Portfolio, as the current director joins the White House Leadership Development Program this October.

Blackfyre's Commitment

Blackfyre stands firm in its commitment to keep its clients abreast with the most current and accurate information. Deciphering the implications of these leadership transitions is a crucial step in navigating GSA Schedules and federal contracting successfully. Our team of GSA schedule consultants and MAS consultants are here to support you through these changes, offering expert guidance and strategic planning.

The recent personnel changes at GSA indicate the evolving landscape of federal procurement and technology. Blackfyre is dedicated to helping you make sense of these changes and leverage them for your business's success in government contracting. Contact us for more information on how we can assist you in adapting to these leadership transitions and in optimizing your GSA Schedule strategy. We offer the best GSA Schedule Consulting services, led by a former GSA Schedule Reviewer.

Pedro has extensive background as a Contracting Officer and Contract Specialist, has worked across seven federal agencies, managing contracts totaling over $1 billion in the professional and tech sectors. His notable tenure includes serving with the DoD/DARPA during the inception of their robotics program. Additionally, he played a pivotal role in initiating the Cyber Special Item Number (SIN) within the GSA's IT Schedule 70 as a Team Lead. After graduating from Harvard, he started Blackfyre to help you win your next contract.

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GSA Schedule

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GSA Exercise Option Period

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  • BD Plan Creation

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  • Expert Guidance

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GSA Maintenance Program

  • GSA Mass Mod Management

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  • Smooth SIP File Uploads

  • Unlimited GSA Admins Mods

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