GSA MAS Refresh 9 Includes Several Cloud SIN 51810C Clarifications

Discover key changes in the forthcoming GSA MAS Refresh 9, including revisions to Cloud SIN 518210C, an update of COVID-19 safety protocols, and more.

GSA MAS Refresh 9: An Overview

The forthcoming Refresh 9 of the General Services Administration (GSA) Multiple Award Schedule (MAS) Solicitation, anticipated to roll out on December 17th, 2021, promises several noteworthy adjustments and modifications. Let's take a closer look at these changes.

Deletion of SIN 541513

One significant change with the Refresh 9 is the removal of Special Item Number (SIN) 541513 which primarily dealt with Smart Buildings Systems Integration. This action is in continuation of the merge of SIN 541513 into SIN 561210SB in the prior Refresh 10.

Revision of COVID-19 Safety Protocols Note

In response to multiple legal injunctions, GSA made considerable changes to the note relating to FAR 52.223-99. The updated note reemphasizes that the COVID-19 safety protocols, inclusive of vaccination prerequisites, are currently not enforced. Additionally, it explains that the self-deletion of FAR Clause 52.223-99 applies to contracts where the awardee's headquarters or primary work location is in Arizona, following a court decree.

Changes in Cloud SIN 518210C

GSA made noteworthy amendments to this Special Item Number's title and explanation, further demarcating the distinction between cloud computing services (subject to NIST protocols) and IT professional services related to cloud. The update explicitly expresses that this SIN excludes types of prepaid offerings such as “tokens” or “credits” from its scope.

Litigation Support SIN 541611LIT Expansion

A pivotal update observed in the Refresh 9 is the broadened scope of SIN 541611LIT, which now encompasses a variety of products and services tailor-made for eDiscovery, FOIA Request, and Legal Hold solutions.

Office Security Equipment & IT Products SIN 333318SBSA

A new and formal note has been added to elucidate that this SIN is exclusively set for small business.

Sporting Goods Equipment and Supplies SIN 339920S Updates

This SIN has been extended to account for fitness equipment needs. An updated title and description have been incorporated to better delineate its scope.

Fitness Center Management Services SIN 713940

With the updated description, it's clear that this SIN does not include any products in its offerings.

Clarification on Identical Items

Another critical update with the Refresh 9 is the clarity brought to the topic of identical items. The updated policy underscores that restrictions pertaining to identical items apply to both services and products, preventing the same items from being awarded at varying price points or under different SINs without valid business justifications.

What do these changes mean for you?

Understanding and keeping up with the changes introduced in Refresh 9 of the GSA MAS Solicitation is critical for both current and aspiring GSA Schedule contract holders. These modifications mirror GSA’s continuous efforts to streamline its offerings and ensure its contracts' quality and relevance. Therefore, consulting services specializing in GSA Schedule Contracts management may become invaluable. Firms like Blackfyre, spearheaded by a former GSA Schedule Reviewer, offer top-notch GSA Schedule Consulting services.

Businesses should keep these changes in mind when navigating the GSA Schedule landscape to reap maximum gains from their contracts.

Please note: The reality of law and regulations is complex and far-reaching; please consult with a legal professional for an accurate interpretation of the changes introduced in the GSA MAS Solicitation Refresh 9. Additionally, This blog post provides an overview of the changes introduced in the Refresh 9, it does not delve into the specifics of each Special Item Number (SIN). The Utilities section on the Blackfyre website offers more in-depth information related to GSA Schedules and individual SINs.

Pedro has extensive background as a Contracting Officer and Contract Specialist, has worked across seven federal agencies, managing contracts totaling over $1 billion in the professional and tech sectors. His notable tenure includes serving with the DoD/DARPA during the inception of their robotics program. Additionally, he played a pivotal role in initiating the Cyber Special Item Number (SIN) within the GSA's IT Schedule 70 as a Team Lead. After graduating from Harvard, he started Blackfyre to help you win your next contract.

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