GSA MAS Consolidation Changes Updates

Learn about the upcoming GSA Multiple Award Schedule (MAS) Consolidation with Blackfyre, a leading GSA Federal Schedule Consulting firm. Understand the changes and optimize your GSA strategy.

GSA MAS Consolidation Changes Updates

As a well-established GSA Federal Schedule Consulting firm, Blackfyre is here to provide valuable insights into the forthcoming GSA Multiple Award Schedule (MAS) Consolidation. This marks a new era for the GSA Schedules Program. Here is an overview of the consolidation and how it impacts both the current and prospective GSA Schedule contract holders:

1. Overview of MAS Consolidation:

The GSA is consolidating all 24 individual GSA Schedules into a single MAS, a significant change that's set to take effect on October 1, 2019. This change aims to simplify the process for both contractors and government buyers, fostering a more streamlined, efficient procurement experience.

2. Key Updates and Changes:

  1. Deadline for New Offers: If you're in the process of submitting a new offer, you must hit the submit button by September 27, 2019, due to eOffer/eMod system maintenance starting September 28th.
  2. Order-Level Materials (OLMS): Contrary to initial announcements, the OLM SIN will not be expanded to all contractors immediately to maintain the October 1st release date of the consolidated schedule.
  3. FASt Lane Program: The FASt Lane program will continue under the IT large category to expedite the processing time of new offers and modifications.
  4. Open Ratings Report Alternatives: Starting from October 1st, the consolidated GSA Schedule solicitation will offer alternatives to the Dun & Bradstreet Open Ratings Past Performance Evaluation Report.
  5. Project Experience Requirements: Most services SINs under the consolidated GSA Schedule will require just one past performance project, except for IT SINs.

3. Preparing for the Transition:

For Current GSA Schedule Holders: You can expect to receive a mass modification in early 2020 to transition your existing contracts to the new MAS Schedule. Your contract number, expiration date, and the number of remaining options will not change.

For Prospective GSA Schedule Holders: If you don't submit your offer by September 27, 2019, you'll need to start over with the new solicitation starting October 1, 2019.

For All Contractors: It's crucial to stay informed about the mass modification notice expected in late November and prepare for the transition by understanding the new large categories, subcategories, and SINs.

4. Blackfyre's Role:

As a trusted GSA Schedule consultant, Blackfyre remains committed to guiding businesses through this significant transition. Our services include:

  • Strategic Planning: Assisting you in understanding the new MAS Schedule structure and planning a smooth transition.
  • Contract Management: Aiding with the mass modification process and ensuring your contract aligns with the new structure.
  • Continuous Support: Providing ongoing updates and support as you navigate the new MAS Schedule.

5. Conclusion

The GSA MAS Consolidation represents a dominant shift in the GSA Schedules Program, targeting to streamline the procurement process and create one comprehensive contract vehicle. Blackfyre is here to support your business through this transition, ensuring you comprehend the changes and are perfectly ready for the future.

In essence, as the GSA Schedules Program enters a new era with the MAS Consolidation, Blackfyre stands ready to guide you through these transformations. Our dedication is to ensure your continued success in the government marketplace. Do not hesitate to contact us to learn more about how we can assist you with the new GSA MAS Schedule and optimize your GSA Schedule strategy. Remember, led by a former GSA Schedule Reviewer, we offer the best GSA Schedule Consulting services.

Pedro has extensive background as a Contracting Officer and Contract Specialist, has worked across seven federal agencies, managing contracts totaling over $1 billion in the professional and tech sectors. His notable tenure includes serving with the DoD/DARPA during the inception of their robotics program. Additionally, he played a pivotal role in initiating the Cyber Special Item Number (SIN) within the GSA's IT Schedule 70 as a Team Lead. After graduating from Harvard, he started Blackfyre to help you win your next contract.

Learn more about our services:

GSA Schedule

  • GSA Application Submission

  • Turn-Key Application Process

  • Up to 5 SIN Categories

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  • GSA Compliance & eBuyTraining

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GSA Exercise Option Period

  • Document Preparation

  • BD Plan Creation

  • Capture Management Plan Development

  • Expert Guidance

  • Turn-Key Application Process

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GSA Maintenance Program

  • GSA Mass Mod Management

  • Quarterly FAS Reporting

  • GSA Pricelist Updates

  • Smooth SIP File Uploads

  • Unlimited GSA Admins Mods

  • GSA Schedule Support

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Growth Program

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  • Develop and Manage Contract Opportunity Pipeline

  • Identify Contract Opportunities

  • Craft Technical Proposals

  • Craft Price Proposal

  • Enhance Past Performance Documentation

  • Subcontract Management Assistance

  • Six-month of free support

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BlackOps Program

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  • Assistance in Crafting Capability Statements

  • Guidance in Developing Technical Proposals

  • Support in Formulating Price Proposals

  • Access to a Supportive Community

  • Personalized One-on-One Assistance Aimed at Securing Your Initial Contract Win

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