FEMA Agency Spending

Explore FEMA's agency spending, contract awards, and procurement forecasts for businesses looking to become a vendor or contractor. Learn how to engage with FEMA for disaster response efforts.

FEMA Agency Spending: An Overview

The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), a part of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, is responsible for coordinating the federal government's response to natural and man-made disasters. Its mission is to support citizens and first responders in ensuring that the nation works together to build, sustain, and improve capabilities to prepare for, protect against, respond to, recover from, and mitigate all hazards.

Contract awards are a significant part of FEMA's operations, as they enable the agency to procure necessary goods and services quickly in response to emergencies. Today, we're going to dive into some interesting insights about FEMA's contract awards.

FEMA's Website and Resources:

FEMA's official website (https://www.fema.gov) offers extensive information related to disaster response, recovery, and preparedness. In addition to general resources, there are specific programs and forecasts that businesses may find of particular interest:

Contract Awards in Fiscal Year 2017:

In FY 2017, FEMA awarded contracts worth $3.1 billion. The contracts were split between small businesses ($854,621,882) and other than small businesses ($2,282,786,100). In addition to these figures, $99.9 million were awarded through GSA/VA Schedule Contracts, with the Professional Services Schedule and the GSA Total Solutions for Security Schedule 84 being the top schedules.

Top NAICS Codes for Contract Awards:

Significant awards in FY 2017 were made under a variety of NAICS codes, which encompassed industries such as manufacturing, engineering services, building inspection services, facilities support services and more.

Place of Performance:

The place of performance for contracts can vary greatly, often matching with locations most affected by disasters and in immediate need of response and recovery operations.

Socio-Economic Status of Contractors:

FEMA also classifies contract awards based on the socio-economic status of the businesses, which includes categories such as small businesses, 8(a) businesses, veteran-owned businesses, women-owned businesses, and others.

In conclusion, for businesses aiming to collaborate with FEMA via contract awards, understanding FEMA's mission, the upcoming procurement forecasts, and the process of becoming a vendor or contractor is essential.

The GSA/VA Schedule Contract, led by a former GSA Schedule Reviewer, can prove to be a beneficial route for companies aiming to sell to FEMA. It offers streamlined contracting procedures and could provide access to opportunities for contributing towards disaster response and recovery efforts. For the best GSA Schedule Consulting services, we're here to help.

Pedro has extensive background as a Contracting Officer and Contract Specialist, has worked across seven federal agencies, managing contracts totaling over $1 billion in the professional and tech sectors. His notable tenure includes serving with the DoD/DARPA during the inception of their robotics program. Additionally, he played a pivotal role in initiating the Cyber Special Item Number (SIN) within the GSA's IT Schedule 70 as a Team Lead. After graduating from Harvard, he started Blackfyre to help you win your next contract.

Learn more about our services:

GSA Schedule

  • GSA Application Submission

  • Turn-Key Application Process

  • Up to 5 SIN Categories

  • Lead Negotiation Process

  • GSA Compliance & eBuyTraining

  • Six-month of GSA Support

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GSA Exercise Option Period

  • Document Preparation

  • BD Plan Creation

  • Capture Management Plan Development

  • Expert Guidance

  • Turn-Key Application Process

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GSA Maintenance Program

  • GSA Mass Mod Management

  • Quarterly FAS Reporting

  • GSA Pricelist Updates

  • Smooth SIP File Uploads

  • Unlimited GSA Admins Mods

  • GSA Schedule Support

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Growth Program

  • 10-Hour Weekly Hands-On Support

  • Develop and Manage Contract Opportunity Pipeline

  • Identify Contract Opportunities

  • Craft Technical Proposals

  • Craft Price Proposal

  • Enhance Past Performance Documentation

  • Subcontract Management Assistance

  • Six-month of free support

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BlackOps Program

  • Weekly Series of Four Calls Focused on Contract-Related Subjects

  • Assistance in Crafting Capability Statements

  • Guidance in Developing Technical Proposals

  • Support in Formulating Price Proposals

  • Access to a Supportive Community

  • Personalized One-on-One Assistance Aimed at Securing Your Initial Contract Win

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Ask CO

  • 24/7 Support

  • Guidance for Beginners on Entering the Field

  • Professional Consultation on All Aspects of Contracting

  • Customized Strategy Development Plan

  • Flexible Monthly Membership with No Long-term Commitment Required

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Monthly Contract Opportunities to Capture

  • Monthly Selection of Government Agency Contracts

  • BPA/IDIQ Upcoming Opportunities

  • Alerts on New Opportunities

  • Trends and Analysis of Agency Contracts

  • Quick Guides on Proposal Requirements

  • Agency-Specific Networking Opportunities

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