Draft Solicitation Eliminates 2 year Requirement for IT

Explore Blackfyre's analysis on the potential elimination of 2-year corporate experience requirement for GSA IT Schedule 70 Contract, significantly impacting IT startups.


Draft Solicitation Eliminates 2 year Requirement for IT


At Blackfyre, a premier GSA Federal Schedule Consulting firm, we are closely monitoring the proposed changes to the GSA IT Schedule 70 Contract. Among these changes, the potential elimination of the 2-year corporate experience requirement draws our attention. This shift could seemingly impact IT startups and newer companies aiming to enter the federal marketplace. We've analyzed the draft solicitation and its consequences below.

Overview of the Draft Solicitation

Eliminating 2-Year Requirement

The crux of the draft solicitation is the proposal to remove the 2-year corporate experience requirement for companies aiming to obtain a GSA IT Schedule 70 Contract. This move seeks to make the federal market more inclusive for newer companies, particularly startups that might be leading the way in technological innovation.

Industry Feedback

In an appreciative move, GSA has made this draft solicitation available for industry feedback. This shows a commitment to take into account the possible consequences for potential contractors and to make sure that the changes align with the requirements of both the government and the industry.

Implications for IT Startups and Newer Companies

Increased Accessibility

If the 2-year requirement gets eliminated, accessibility to the GSA IT Schedule 70 Contract will be increased for IT startups and newer companies. This will enable them to compete in the federal marketplace more effectively.

Encouragement of Innovation

This potential change underscores the importance of innovation new companies can introduce to government IT projects. By minimizing entry obstacles, the GSA is nurturing a more varied and innovative contractor base.

Need for Readiness

However, newer companies will have to ensure they are thoroughly equipped to meet the stern demands of federal contracting. This includes compliance with all other prerequisites of the GSA IT Schedule 70.

Assistance from Blackfyre

Navigating Changes

Blackfyre can be a great ally in deciphering the possible impacts of this change and how to best prepare for the opportunities it might introduce. Our team can steer you through the highest and lowest tides for your business strategy and federal market entry tactics.

Proposal Preparation

If the draft solicitation is ratified, Blackfyre provides services to assist in crafting and submitting a compelling and compliant proposal for the IT Schedule 70.

Contract Management

For burgeoning IT Schedule 70 holders, Blackfyre provides continuous contract management backing to ensure compliance, seize opportunities, and effectively navigate the federal procurement procedure.

The potential elimination of the 2-year corporate experience requirement for the GSA IT Schedule 70 Contract symbolizes a substantial shift in federal procurement. This will particularly be advantageous for IT startups and newer companies. As a trusted GSA schedule consultant, Blackfyre is dedicated to offering the freshest insights and comprehensive support for businesses treading this shifting terrain.

For more details on the draft solicitation or to discuss how Blackfyre can assist your company in preparing for these potential shifts, feel free to contact us today. Together, let's leverage the opportunities the promising GSA IT Schedule 70 offers and drive success in the federal marketplace. With leadership from a former GSA Schedule Reviewer, we are best equipped to provide the finest GSA Schedule Consulting services.

Pedro has extensive background as a Contracting Officer and Contract Specialist, has worked across seven federal agencies, managing contracts totaling over $1 billion in the professional and tech sectors. His notable tenure includes serving with the DoD/DARPA during the inception of their robotics program. Additionally, he played a pivotal role in initiating the Cyber Special Item Number (SIN) within the GSA's IT Schedule 70 as a Team Lead. After graduating from Harvard, he started Blackfyre to help you win your next contract.

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