Cybersecurity HACS Sales top 10m GSA Schedule 70

Discover how Blackfyre's GSA Schedule Consulting aids in navigating cybersecurity services (HACS) SINs under the GSA IT Schedule 70 Contract, boosting sales above $10m.

Cybersecurity HACS Sales top 10m GSA Schedule 70

At Blackfyre, we are at the forefront of GSA Federal Schedule Consulting services, and we are excited to bring you the latest updates on the Highly Adaptive Cybersecurity Services (HACS) Special Item Numbers (SINs) available under the GSA IT Schedule 70 Contract. With the cybersecurity landscape ever-evolving, these SINs hold significant impact and importance.

A Two-Year Milestone

It has been two successful years since the release of the Highly Adaptive Cybersecurity Services (HACS) SINs under the GSA IT Schedule 70 Contract. Developed in collaboration with the Department of Homeland Security, these SINs aligns with the objectives outlined in the Cybersecurity National Action Plan (CNAP).

Undoubtedly, all GSA Schedule Contract holders undergo thorough vetting by GSA. Yet, companies approved under the GSA HACS SINs are subjected to additional requirements. This includes an oral technical evaluation that tests their cybersecurity capabilities. Currently, approximately 160 companies have received approval to offer one or more of the HACS SINs through their GSA IT Schedule 70 Contracts.

Exploring the HACS SINs

The Highly Adaptive Cybersecurity Services SINs are expertly structured to cater to various cybersecurity needs. To better understand, here's a simple breakdown of each SIN:

  • 132-45A | Penetration Testing - This involves security testing where assessors simulate real-world attacks to identify vulnerabilities and methods for bypassing security measures in applications, systems, or networks.
  • 132-45B | Incident Response - These services assist organizations in assessing the impact of cybersecurity incidents, removing adversaries from their systems, and restoring network security.
  • 132-45C | Cyber Hunt - Activities in this category address crisis or urgent situations within the cybersecurity domain, aiming to mitigate immediate and potential threats.
  • 132-45D | Risk and Vulnerability Assessment (RVA) - RVA involves assessing threats and vulnerabilities, identifying deviations from acceptable configurations and policies, evaluating risk levels, and recommending appropriate mitigation measures.

Rapid Growth in HACS SINs Sales

The GSA IT Schedule 70 HACS SINs have been gaining significant momentum, thanks to GSA's efforts to educate government buyers on their cybersecurity benefits. Sales for HACS SINs crossed the $2 million mark in their first full fiscal year. In fiscal year 2018, sales have more than tripled, surpassing $10 million in total. Notably, all sales have been attributed to federal customers, although state and local government buyers are eligible to purchase through the HACS SINs as well.

Seizing Cybersecurity Opportunities with Blackfyre

If your company specializes in cybersecurity solutions for the government sector, Blackfyre is here to assist you. Our team can help you understand the requirements for HACS SINs and guide you through the process of obtaining a GSA Schedule 70 Contract or adding the HACS SINs to your existing contract.

For government agencies seeking cybersecurity solutions through the HACS SINs, we provide valuable support and resources. GSA's HACS webpage offers Quick Start Ordering Guides, Statement of Work Templates, and RFQ templates to streamline the procurement process.

Blackfyre is committed to helping businesses and government agencies harness the power of HACS SINs to enhance their cybersecurity posture. Contact us today, and let's collaborate to strengthen your cybersecurity capabilities and navigate the ever-evolving cybersecurity landscape. Don't miss out on this opportunity to fortify your defenses; let's embark on this cybersecurity journey together! As a leading consultancy led by a former GSA Schedule Reviewer, we provide the best GSA Schedule Consulting services.

Pedro has extensive background as a Contracting Officer and Contract Specialist, has worked across seven federal agencies, managing contracts totaling over $1 billion in the professional and tech sectors. His notable tenure includes serving with the DoD/DARPA during the inception of their robotics program. Additionally, he played a pivotal role in initiating the Cyber Special Item Number (SIN) within the GSA's IT Schedule 70 as a Team Lead. After graduating from Harvard, he started Blackfyre to help you win your next contract.

Learn more about our services:

GSA Schedule

  • GSA Application Submission

  • Turn-Key Application Process

  • Up to 5 SIN Categories

  • Lead Negotiation Process

  • GSA Compliance & eBuyTraining

  • Six-month of GSA Support

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GSA Exercise Option Period

  • Document Preparation

  • BD Plan Creation

  • Capture Management Plan Development

  • Expert Guidance

  • Turn-Key Application Process

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GSA Maintenance Program

  • GSA Mass Mod Management

  • Quarterly FAS Reporting

  • GSA Pricelist Updates

  • Smooth SIP File Uploads

  • Unlimited GSA Admins Mods

  • GSA Schedule Support

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Growth Program

  • 10-Hour Weekly Hands-On Support

  • Develop and Manage Contract Opportunity Pipeline

  • Identify Contract Opportunities

  • Craft Technical Proposals

  • Craft Price Proposal

  • Enhance Past Performance Documentation

  • Subcontract Management Assistance

  • Six-month of free support

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BlackOps Program

  • Weekly Series of Four Calls Focused on Contract-Related Subjects

  • Assistance in Crafting Capability Statements

  • Guidance in Developing Technical Proposals

  • Support in Formulating Price Proposals

  • Access to a Supportive Community

  • Personalized One-on-One Assistance Aimed at Securing Your Initial Contract Win

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Ask CO

  • 24/7 Support

  • Guidance for Beginners on Entering the Field

  • Professional Consultation on All Aspects of Contracting

  • Customized Strategy Development Plan

  • Flexible Monthly Membership with No Long-term Commitment Required

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Monthly Contract Opportunities to Capture

  • Monthly Selection of Government Agency Contracts

  • BPA/IDIQ Upcoming Opportunities

  • Alerts on New Opportunities

  • Trends and Analysis of Agency Contracts

  • Quick Guides on Proposal Requirements

  • Agency-Specific Networking Opportunities

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