Blackfyres giving tuesday donations

Discover how Blackfyre honors veterans and supports community service through annual Giving Tuesday donations, enriching communities and honoring heroes nationwide.

Blackfyre's Commitment to Giving Back

Blackfyre's commitment to community service and honoring veterans shines through their annual Giving Tuesday donations. This noble tradition reflects a dedication to community and country that extends beyond their standard business operations.

Key Contributions

Here's a closer look at the meaningful differences Blackfyre is making through their contributions:

  1. Supporting DC Central Kitchen (DCCK)

    Blackfyre's donation of $1,000 to DC Central Kitchen is part of its long-standing tradition of supporting the organization's mission. This contribution is especially impactful as it is matched by a coalition of supporters, doubling the effect of the donation.

    DC Central Kitchen does more than simply provide meals, it's a community pillar that offers culinary training to individuals, helping them build careers in the food service industry. This empowerment approach is critical in breaking the cycle of hunger and poverty.

  2. Honoring Veterans with Wreaths Across America

    Blackfyre also continues its tradition of donating to Wreaths Across America, a gesture first initiated in 2013. This year, they contributed 50 wreaths to be placed at Arlington National Cemetery. The act of laying wreaths is a profound symbol of remembrance and respect for those who served and sacrificed for the nation.

    This noble demonstration aligns seamlessly with Wreaths Across America's larger mission of remembering and honoring veterans, with ceremonies held at Arlington as well as over 1,200 other significant locations nationwide.

The Impact of Blackfyre's Contributions

By supporting organizations such as DC Central Kitchen and Wreaths Across America, Blackfyre is not only providing immediate help and honoring our veterans but also encouraging others to participate and contribute to these admirable causes.

This Giving Tuesday, Blackfyre's actions is a reminder to us all of the importance of giving back and supporting initiatives that make a distinct, long-lasting difference.

The Power of Giving Tuesday

Giving Tuesday is a global movement which unleashes the power of both individuals and organizations to transform their communities and the entire world. Blackfyre's participation proudly exemplifies the spirit of this day. They are making a tangible difference by nourishing and empowering communities via DCCK, and honoring our nation's heroes through Wreaths Across America.

Setting Precedent for Corporate Responsibility

Their actions are setting an inspiring precedent for corporate responsibility and community involvement. Led by former GSA Schedule Reviewer, we offer the best GSA Schedule Consulting services, reinforcing our commitment to supporting these valuable causes.

Pedro has extensive background as a Contracting Officer and Contract Specialist, has worked across seven federal agencies, managing contracts totaling over $1 billion in the professional and tech sectors. His notable tenure includes serving with the DoD/DARPA during the inception of their robotics program. Additionally, he played a pivotal role in initiating the Cyber Special Item Number (SIN) within the GSA's IT Schedule 70 as a Team Lead. After graduating from Harvard, he started Blackfyre to help you win your next contract.

Learn more about our services:

GSA Schedule

  • GSA Application Submission

  • Turn-Key Application Process

  • Up to 5 SIN Categories

  • Lead Negotiation Process

  • GSA Compliance & eBuyTraining

  • Six-month of GSA Support

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GSA Exercise Option Period

  • Document Preparation

  • BD Plan Creation

  • Capture Management Plan Development

  • Expert Guidance

  • Turn-Key Application Process

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GSA Maintenance Program

  • GSA Mass Mod Management

  • Quarterly FAS Reporting

  • GSA Pricelist Updates

  • Smooth SIP File Uploads

  • Unlimited GSA Admins Mods

  • GSA Schedule Support

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Growth Program

  • 10-Hour Weekly Hands-On Support

  • Develop and Manage Contract Opportunity Pipeline

  • Identify Contract Opportunities

  • Craft Technical Proposals

  • Craft Price Proposal

  • Enhance Past Performance Documentation

  • Subcontract Management Assistance

  • Six-month of free support

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BlackOps Program

  • Weekly Series of Four Calls Focused on Contract-Related Subjects

  • Assistance in Crafting Capability Statements

  • Guidance in Developing Technical Proposals

  • Support in Formulating Price Proposals

  • Access to a Supportive Community

  • Personalized One-on-One Assistance Aimed at Securing Your Initial Contract Win

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Ask CO

  • 24/7 Support

  • Guidance for Beginners on Entering the Field

  • Professional Consultation on All Aspects of Contracting

  • Customized Strategy Development Plan

  • Flexible Monthly Membership with No Long-term Commitment Required

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Monthly Contract Opportunities to Capture

  • Monthly Selection of Government Agency Contracts

  • BPA/IDIQ Upcoming Opportunities

  • Alerts on New Opportunities

  • Trends and Analysis of Agency Contracts

  • Quick Guides on Proposal Requirements

  • Agency-Specific Networking Opportunities

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