GSA Oasis Contract

Gain insights into the GSA OASIS Contract with Blackfyre, a top GSA Federal Schedule Consulting firm, offering expert guidance for strategic procurement.

Title : GSA Oasis Contract

At Blackfyre, a leading GSA Federal Schedule Consulting firm, we recognize the significance of the GSA OASIS contract as a crucial procurement tool for government agencies seeking integrated professional services. The OASIS contract, or One Acquisition Solution for Integrated Services, is a government-wide acquisition contract administered by the General Services Administration designed to provide agencies with comprehensive professional service solutions. Here's an insightful look into the GSA OASIS Contract, emphasizing its framework, requirements, and strategic considerations for businesses.

OASIS Contract Overview:

OASIS is structured as a Multiple Award, Indefinite Delivery, Indefinite Quantity (MA-IDIQ), offering flexibility and a wide range of services under a single contracting vehicle. The contract includes a base period of 5 years, with one 5-year extension option, ensuring long-term availability and planning. OASIS features a contract access fee of .75% with no ceiling, making it accessible for various task orders and procurement needs.

The Genesis of OASIS:

Recognizing the need for a convenient contract vehicle to procure non-IT professional services, GSA created OASIS. It stands apart from the Multiple Award Schedules Program by offering standardized labor categories and accommodating all contract types at the task-order level, including cost-reimbursement and cost-plus contracts.

OASIS Contract Structure:

OASIS is comprised of 28 NAICS Codes and 6 NAICS Code Exceptions, grouped into 7 Pools. Each Pool represents a MA-IDIQ task order contract, with a maximum of 40 contracts anticipated to be awarded per Pool. The services covered under these pools include:

  • Management Consulting
  • Program Management
  • Financial
  • Logistics
  • Engineering
  • Scientific

Proposal Submission and Qualifications:

Companies interested in the OASIS contract can submit one proposal but may apply for more than one Pool if qualified. Qualification for a Pool under the unrestricted solicitation requires three Pool Qualification projects under relevant NAICS Codes or Exceptions, while the small business set-aside solicitation requires two projects.

Post-Award OASIS Contract Requirements:

Awarded contractors will need to comply with several requirements, including:

  1. Maintaining an OASIS webpage compliant with Section 508
  2. Attending OASIS meetings
  3. Achieving a minimum number of task order awards or total task order value to extend
  4. Maintaining acceptable accounting systems
  5. Adhering to Cost Accounting Standards for the unrestricted solicitation, except when task orders are firm-fixed-price or fixed-price with economic price adjustment not based on actual costs incurred.

Strategic Considerations for Responding to OASIS RFP:

Businesses contemplating a response to the OASIS RFP should thoroughly read the solicitation and attachments, considering resources, qualifications, requirements, and post-award responsibilities. It's not just about eligibility but also the capability to prepare a strong response and meet ongoing contract obligations.

How Blackfyre Can Assist:

As your dedicated GSA schedule consultant, Blackfyre is committed to guiding businesses through the complexities of obtaining and managing contracts like OASIS. Our comprehensive services include:

  • Strategic Consultation: Advising on whether OASIS aligns with your business capabilities and goals.
  • Proposal Preparation: Assisting in preparing a robust and compliant response to the OASIS RFP.
  • Post-Award Support: Providing ongoing support to ensure compliance with OASIS requirements and help you maximize the contract's potential.

For businesses looking to explore government opportunities or enhance their presence in the federal marketplace, Blackfyre is your strategic partner. Contact us today to learn more about how our expertise in GSA schedule consulting and federal supply schedule consulting services can position your business for success with the GSA OASIS contract. Together, let's navigate the government contracting landscape with confidence and strategic insight. Led by former GSA Schedule Reviewer, we offer the best GSA Schedule Consulting services.

Pedro has extensive background as a Contracting Officer and Contract Specialist, has worked across seven federal agencies, managing contracts totaling over $1 billion in the professional and tech sectors. His notable tenure includes serving with the DoD/DARPA during the inception of their robotics program. Additionally, he played a pivotal role in initiating the Cyber Special Item Number (SIN) within the GSA's IT Schedule 70 as a Team Lead. After graduating from Harvard, he started Blackfyre to help you win your next contract.

Learn more about our services:

GSA Schedule

  • GSA Application Submission

  • Turn-Key Application Process

  • Up to 5 SIN Categories

  • Lead Negotiation Process

  • GSA Compliance & eBuyTraining

  • Six-month of GSA Support

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GSA Exercise Option Period

  • Document Preparation

  • BD Plan Creation

  • Capture Management Plan Development

  • Expert Guidance

  • Turn-Key Application Process

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GSA Maintenance Program

  • GSA Mass Mod Management

  • Quarterly FAS Reporting

  • GSA Pricelist Updates

  • Smooth SIP File Uploads

  • Unlimited GSA Admins Mods

  • GSA Schedule Support

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Growth Program

  • 10-Hour Weekly Hands-On Support

  • Develop and Manage Contract Opportunity Pipeline

  • Identify Contract Opportunities

  • Craft Technical Proposals

  • Craft Price Proposal

  • Enhance Past Performance Documentation

  • Subcontract Management Assistance

  • Six-month of free support

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BlackOps Program

  • Weekly Series of Four Calls Focused on Contract-Related Subjects

  • Assistance in Crafting Capability Statements

  • Guidance in Developing Technical Proposals

  • Support in Formulating Price Proposals

  • Access to a Supportive Community

  • Personalized One-on-One Assistance Aimed at Securing Your Initial Contract Win

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Ask CO

  • 24/7 Support

  • Guidance for Beginners on Entering the Field

  • Professional Consultation on All Aspects of Contracting

  • Customized Strategy Development Plan

  • Flexible Monthly Membership with No Long-term Commitment Required

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Monthly Contract Opportunities to Capture

  • Monthly Selection of Government Agency Contracts

  • BPA/IDIQ Upcoming Opportunities

  • Alerts on New Opportunities

  • Trends and Analysis of Agency Contracts

  • Quick Guides on Proposal Requirements

  • Agency-Specific Networking Opportunities

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