GSA May Rethink 2 Year Business Requirement

Explore how GSA's possible elimination of the 2-year business requirement could impact federal contracting and how Blackfyre's consulting services can aid your business.

Title: GSA May Rethink 2 Year Business Requirement

At Blackfyre, your respected GSA Federal Schedule Consulting firm, we believe in keeping you informed about potential trends and changes in the requirements for obtaining a GSA IT Schedule 70 Contract. The focus today is a recent Request for Information (RFI) from GSA that contemplates the possibility of eliminating the 2-year business existence requirement for the IT Schedule 70 Contract. If actioned, these changes could blast open the doors of opportunity for new businesses looking to make a mark in the federal market. Curious? Let's delve into the implications.

GSA's Consideration to Rethink 2-Year Business Requirement:

Current Requirement:

The current legislation necessitates that businesses exist for a minimum duration of two years before qualifying for a GSA IT Schedule 70 Contract. This safeguard is designed to ensure that firms demonstrate a streak of performance and stability before they are accredited.

Proposed Change:

The GSA has released an RFI to solicit feedback on the concept of abandoning this 2-year requirement. The implementation of this idea could substantially lower the hurdle for new ventures wishing to participate in federal contracting via the IT Schedule 70.

Implications of the Potential Change:

Opening Opportunities for New Businesses:

If the 2-year condition is scrapped, there could be a boom of fresh businesses entering the federal marketplace, which likely stimulates innovation and the introduction of state-of-the-art technologies and services.

Considerations for Market Quality:

  • While the change may increase competition and foster innovation, GSA must deliberate on maintaining the quality and reliability of the services offered via IT Schedule 70.
  • This precaution will ensure that Government agencies maintain access to top-tier solutions.

Feedback and Industry Involvement:

The RFI stage is key for businesses and stakeholders to provide their input on this potential alteration. The views and feedback from both current and prospective GSA Schedule holders will play a significant role in molding the decision-making process.

How Blackfyre Can Assist:

Navigating Changes:

Blackfyre is here to help businesses comprehend the potential impacts of this change and how to best align with any upcoming opportunities. Our abled team can coach you through the implications for your business strategy and entry plans into the federal market.

RFI Participation:

We can aid in documenting and submitting your valuable feedback to the RFI, ensuring that your voice is recognized and that your concerns and recommendations are considered in the decision-making process.

Contract Acquisition and Management:

Whether you are a new business probing the federal market or an established firm adjusting to changes, Blackfyre delivers comprehensive services to acquire and manage GSA Schedule contracts effectively.

The GSA's contemplation to possibly discard the 2-year business requirement for the IT Schedule 70 Contract could cause a notable shift in federal procurement. As your trusted GSA schedule consultant, Blackfyre is dedicated to keeping you enlightened and ready to adapt to these changes, helping your business to position advantageously for these new opportunities in federal contracting.

For more intel on the potential ditching of the 2-year business prerequisite or to deliberate on how Blackfyre can assist your business in steering GSA Schedule procurement, contact us today. We are here to together embrace the evolving landscape of government contracting with strategic acumen and readiness.

With leadership from a former GSA Schedule Reviewer, we are pledged to offer the best GSA Schedule Consulting services.

Pedro has extensive background as a Contracting Officer and Contract Specialist, has worked across seven federal agencies, managing contracts totaling over $1 billion in the professional and tech sectors. His notable tenure includes serving with the DoD/DARPA during the inception of their robotics program. Additionally, he played a pivotal role in initiating the Cyber Special Item Number (SIN) within the GSA's IT Schedule 70 as a Team Lead. After graduating from Harvard, he started Blackfyre to help you win your next contract.

Learn more about our services:

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